Comfort Measures and Labor Positions

Understand birth mechanics and practice techniques

Wear your comfortable clothes and get ready for an informative, hands-on, 3 hour workshop focused on comfort techniques and labor positions! This class will provide tools to help you approach labor with strength and confidence. Our approach is influenced by many different birth prep traditions because every body and every birth is different. The goal is to help you build out a big toolkit of options, so you’re prepared for whatever your birth experience brings. Taught by experienced educators and birth workers who have seen what works for laboring folks.

3 hrs, $120

We will cover:

  • Understanding the purpose of pain in labor

  • Baby’s position & pelvic dynamics

  • Breathing & vocalization

  • Massage, acupressure, & touch

  • Affirmations & visualizations

  • Labor and pushing positions

  • LOTS of hands-on practice

Classes & Offerings

Kind Words from Our Families